You’re invited!

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Thank you so much for scanning a QR Code and being intrigued about what you have received through the door. We just want to do one simple thing, invite you. Let you know that we are here, our doors are open and here for you.

We are located on the North Road, just opposite Prince Andrew Way. Currently, with all the restrictions in place we are operating two services on a Sunday morning - 10am and 11:30am. We would love you to join us. For the kids, we have resource packs that we are handing out to help keep them entertained!

We have some resources that have been created over the last few months.

YouTube Channel - Click here

Facebook - Click here

Instagram - Click Here

Our Team


Pastor JOnathan Redmond


Robert Orr - Welcome team


Mark Redmond - Praise Team Leader


Andy MacLeod - Emerge Leader


Philip Griffith - Treasurer


Jo Britland - Illuminate Leader


Abbie Kirker - Emerge Leader